This special series on “Non-Intubated Thoracic Surgery. A Global Perspective” was co-edited by Dr. Francesco Guerrera, from University of Torino, Italy; Dr. Paolo Albino Ferrari, from A. Businco Cancer Center, Italy; and Prof. Roberto Crisci, from University of L'Aquila, "G. Mazzini" Hospital, Italy.
Surgery and anesthesia in the thoracic pathways of the new era: a move on to the future
The anesthesiologist perspective
Non-intubated thoracic surgery—the surgeon perspective
Can we sell something people don’t want?
Non-intubated thoracic surgery: the European perspective
Ni-VATS for interstitial lung disease—where are we now?
Non-intubated video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery for pleural biopsy: a narrative review
Non-intubated VATS for lung cancer—a focus on segmentectomy: a narrative review
Narrative review of non-intubated video-assisted thoracic surgery (Ni-VATS) for lung cancer: a focus on lobectomy
Non-intubated thoracic surgery: an Asian perspective
Literature review: non-intubated (tubeless) VATS for lung volume reduction surgery
NiVATS sympathectomy for hyperhidrosis: should I stay or should I go? A Narrative Review
Non-intubated video-assisted pulmonary metastasectomy: a narrative literature review
The series “Non-Intubated Thoracic Surgery. A Global Perspective” was commissioned by the editorial office, Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery without any sponsorship or funding. Francesco Guerrera, Paolo Albino Ferrari and Roberto Crisci served as the unpaid Guest Editors for the series.