This series on “Robotic Surgery for Lung Cancer” is edited by Natalie S. Lui, Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Stanford University Hospitals and Clinics, Stanford, U.S.A.; and Dr. Sean C. Wightman, Division of Thoracic Surgery, Department of Surgery, Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, U.S.A.
This series is designed to review general and advanced techniques for robotic surgery for lung cancer, to compare outcomes after VATS versus robotic surgery for lung cancer, to discuss learning and teaching robotic surgery and to discuss robotic thoracic surgery from the anesthesia and nursing perspective.
Overview of robotic surgery for lung cancer
Socioeconomic, rural, and insurance-based inequities in robotic lung cancer resections
Robot-assisted vs. video-assisted thoracoscopic lobectomy: a systematic review of cost effectiveness
Techniques for robotic lung resection
Transitioning from VATS to robotic lobectomy
Transitioning from open to robotic lung surgery
Resident education in robotic thoracic surgery
Cost in video-assisted thoracic surgery versus robotic-assisted thoracic surgery for lung cancer: should we focus on other metrics?
The ethics of robotic surgical systems is a conversation of informed consent
Anesthesia considerations for robotic thoracic surgery
Advanced robotic resections in lung cancer
Robotic thoracic lymph node dissection for lung cancer
The series “Robotic Surgery for Lung Cancer” was commissioned by the editorial office, Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery without any sponsorship or funding. Natalie S. Lui and Sean C. Wightman served as the unpaid Guest Editors for the series.