Video-assisted versus robot-assisted thoracoscopic lobectomy: style versus substance
Background—history of lung resection
Lung cancer has been considered a disease of the modern world and explicably linked to the era of tobacco consumption made popular at the start of World War I. Up until the turn of the 20th century, carcinoma of the lung has remained a rare enigma whose reports have been described intermittently in literature and occasionally in conjunction with toxic environmental exposure. By 1998, the age-adjusted death rate for lung cancer has increased to 77.2 per 100,000 from a mere 5 per 100,000 just a century prior (1,2). In 2022, pulmonary carcinoma is the number one cause of cancer deaths worldwide with a dismal 5-year overall survival (OS) of 22.9%. The majority of patients are diagnosed at an incurable stage where treatment options are limited to definitive or palliative chemoradiation (3). For stages I and IIA [based on the American Joint Commission on Cancer (AJCC) 8th edition staging] non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and limited-stage small cell lung cancer (SCLC), treatment primarily employ surgical resection (4,5). Anatomic pulmonary lobectomy with individual ligation of bronchial, pulmonary arterial and venous branches, division of pulmonary parenchyma, and mediastinal lymph node dissection is the recommended surgical approach (6). Evaluation for surgical candidacy are listed in Table 1 (7).
Table 1
Variable | High risk |
FEV1 | <40% predictive (pre or post) |
mVO2 | <10–12 mL/kg/min |
DLCO | <40% predictive (pre or post) |
Stairs climb | <12 m |
Walk | <25 shuttles |
Published with permission from Salfity and Tong (7). FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 second; mVO2, myocardial oxygen consumption; DLCO, diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide.
Rationale, knowledge gap, and objective
As surgical outcomes improved, minimally invasive (MI) approaches began to emerge and predominate. “Thoracoscopic” surgery was originally described by Professor Hans Christian Jacobaeus in 1910. It would take 80 more years of technological advancement before video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery, now known as VATS, was used to successfully perform an anatomic lung resection in 1993 (2,8). Ten years later, in 2003, Morgan et al. and Ashton et al. reported the first robot-assisted thoracoscopic (RATS) lobectomy (9,10). The next two decades saw a thrust and throttle in the integration of both VATS and RATS into academic and community practices and residency training. Hesitation in adoption center on safety, feasibility, adherence to oncologic principles, clinical applicability, outcomes, and costs. Over the years, these concerns have been discussed extensively in literature and the MI techniques are proven efficacious over thoracotomy in all regards. The comparisons between RATS or VATS versus open lobectomy are beyond the scope of this discussion.
The aim of this clinical practice review paper is to briefly review the various surgical approaches of VATS and RATS in the setting of pulmonary lobectomy, discuss the different advantages between VATS versus RATS in the treatment of NSCLC, and define their diverging roles in evolution of surgical training paradigm.
A literature search was performed on MEDLINE/PubMed for all thoracoscopic and robot-assisted pulmonary lobectomy and surgical outcomes from 1993 to present. Search terms included pulmonary lobectomy, thoracoscopic lobectomy, and robot-assisted lobectomy. Free text terms including surgical outcomes, cost, and conversions were included to further refine the search. Selection criteria included all papers comparing VATS and RATS lobectomy in retrospective or prospective nature, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses. Papers not involving lobectomy were excluded. Non-English articles, small case series, and case reports were excluded in the final review. Review of papers was performed independently by two authors and final selection was from consensus from the authors. All discussions regarding robotic instrumentations and platform are from the DaVinci Robotic System from Intuitive Surgical (Sunnyvale, CA, USA).
Surgical techniques
Techniques of video-assisted thoracoscopic lobectomy
Anatomic lobectomy requires general anesthesia and single-lung ventilation through either placement of a double lumen endotracheal tube or a bronchial blocker. The patient is placed in a lateral decubitus position and the surgical table is flexed at the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) to maximize ribs opening. Port placements diverge depending on the institution. The traditional port placement includes triangulation with a camera inserted at the seventh or eighth intercostal space at the posterior axillary line, one working port at the fifth intercostal space just posterior to the midclavicular line, and another working port at the tip of the scapula. Other rendition includes establishing a camera port at the eighth intercostal space just posterior to the midaxillary line. An access port, approximately 4 to 5 cm, is placed at the fifth intercostal space posterolateral to the lateral mammary fold (Figure 1). Mun et al. described a “upside-down monitor” setting in which the camera is moved to the 3rd intercostal space and looking down onto the superior hilum. Dissection is facilitated through a posterior port in the 4th intercostal space (just anterior to the scapula), an assistant port in the same space but located at the anterior axillary line, and a 3 cm access port in the 5th intercostal space at the posterior axillary line (12). In contrast to the multi-port approaches, Gonzalez et al. described a uniport approach in which camera, dissection, retraction, and extraction are all performed through an anterior access incision placed at the 5th intercostal space (13).

The bronchus and hilar vessels are dissected and divided individually (Figures 2,3). Hilar lymph nodes are systematically collected. Mediastinal lymphadenectomy is performed collecting levels 2R, 4R and 7 for right-sided resection and 5, 6, and 7 for left-sided resection. Levels 8 and 9 are added when lower lobectomies are performed. One hilar and three mediastinal lymph node stations are required to be compliant with metrics as set out by the Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS) (6).

Techniques of robot-assisted thoracoscopic lobectomy
Similar to VATS lobectomy, robot-assisted resection also requires lung isolation and lateral decubitus positioning. However, the ASIS in a robotic case should be vertically in-line with the height of the rib cage to maximize maneuverability of the robotic arms. CO2 insufflation aids in exposure and visibility and allows room for the robotic instruments. Port placements typically line up in the same intercostal space (Figure 4). Variations of which intercostal space to use depends on whether an upper or lower lobectomy is being performed (Figure 4). Resection of the middle lobe or lingula follows the port placement of an upper lobectomy (Figure 5). The camera is placed at the 8th or 9th intercostal space and the fissures are visualized. The targeting feature of the DaVinci Xi robot (Intuitive Surgical) is helpful to line up the rest of the arms in position for the remainder of the docking process. Three more ports are placed in the same intercostal space starting at the spine and moving anteriorly. The most anterior port is often used for the stapler and can often be placed one intercostal space caudad to the remaining ports. We advocate using a 12 mm port in either the most anterior or posterior port and accommodating the rest of the robotic instruments in this arm via the reducer. An assistant port is placed just above the diaphragm as anteriorly as possible for specimen retrieval, usually two intercostal spaces from the robotic ports (14). Other port placement variation include shifting the posterior and camera ports more cephalad, achieving a “look-down” approach, similar to what Mun et al. had described for thoracoscopy. This essentially placed a robotic port in multiple intercostal spaces, spanning from the 4th (most cephalad and posterior) to the 7th intercostal space (most anterior) with an extraction port in the 10th intercostal region (15,16). Conversely, Ninan et al. advocated for total robotic port placements in which all robotic ports are placed in the same intercostal space located over the mid-fissure. The assistant and extraction port are placed in the anterior subcostal region and therefore avoiding entering in through another intercostal space (17). There are currently no studies examining any superiority of one robotic port placement over another.

Results and discussion
Outcomes of interest included intraoperative factors such as operative duration, rate of blood transfusion, and conversion to thoracotomy are used to measure feasibility and safety of technical aspect of the operation. Perioperative outcomes include hospital length of stay (LOS), duration of chest tube, wound infection, pneumonia, air leaks, cardiopulmonary complications, and in-hospital mortality. Finally, oncologic assessment typically focuses on margin status, number of lymph nodes harvest, nodal upstaging, and overall and disease-free survival. The utilization of the robotic platform also spurred a plethora of studies regarding costs. These metrics provide a framework to analyze the safety and efficacy of this surgical technique.
Perioperative outcomes
The feasibility and safety of RATS lobectomy has been extensively studied and published. Early single-institution report by Park et al. affirmed the feasibility of RATS lobectomy. Median operative time was 218 minutes, median chest tube duration was three days, and conversion to thoracotomy occurred in 12% of cases. Zero out of 34 patients within the series had operative, in-hospital, and perioperative death (18). Following these smaller series, a retrospective multi-institution by Park et al. analyzed 325 lobectomies performed between 2002 to 2010. Median operative time was 206 minutes, overall morbidity rate was 25.2%, major complication rate was 3.7%, has a median LOS of 5 days and one in-hospital death (0.3%). Median chest tube duration was three days and overall conversion rate to thoracotomy was 8.3% (19). These results are comparable to early VATS data from Kirby et al. in 1995 followed by the CALGB 39802 study published in 2007 (20,21). In the latter prospective, multi-institution study, VATS cases had a median operative time of 130 minutes, a thoracotomy conversion rate of 10.8%, median chest tube durations of 3 days, 7.4% overall complication rate, and 2.7% perioperative mortality (21). Yang et al. pulled data from the National Cancer Database (NCDB) from 2010 to 2012 and identified 20,040 lobectomies. The authors grouped VATS and RATS in the same category, propensity-matched the comparison to thoracotomy, and noted that the MI group had a decreased LOS, similar 30-day mortality rate, and longer 2-year OS (22). The results from these early studies laid the groundwork to solidify the robotic platform in the operative management of early-stage lung cancer.
Compared to VATS, RATS have been shown to have similar perioperative outcomes (23-25). Results from MD Anderson documented no differences in morbidity or mortality between RATS and VATS. The authors also found that despite having longer operating room (OR) time, RATS had less blood loss and shorter LOS. Outside of the findings of specialized, high-volume centers, outcomes are still consistently equivalent between these MI techniques (24). A propensity-matched population analysis from the NCDB by Rajaram et al. (2017) showed no difference in margin status, 30-day unplanned readmission rate, or 30-day and 90-day mortality. This data was corroborated by Yang et al. Interestingly, while Rajaram et al. found that VATS have shorter median LOS than RATS (5.9 versus 6.1 days, P=0.019), Yang et al. noted the median LOS to be 5 days in both groups. The discordant finding is attributed to different matching algorithms as both groups studied the same database during the same time period (2010 to 2012) (22,25).
Following early single and multi-institution reports, query of administrative datasets including the Nationwide Readmission Database, State Inpatient Database, Premier Database, and Nationwide Inpatient Sample all reached the same conclusions: perioperative outcomes, most notably morbidity and mortality, are similar between RATS and VATS (26-31). There are minor differences including higher rates of iatrogenic bleeding complications with RATS based on the Nationwide Inpatient Sample study although these data are from earlier time period in the adoption of robotic resection, lower LOS with RATS based on the Premier Database but similar LOS based on the Nationwide Readmissions Database, and greater direct discharges to home in the RATS group based on the Nationwide Readmissions Database but more likelihood to be discharge to a facility based on the Nationwide Inpatient Sample. The summary of these studies is found in Table 2. The main criticism of the national database analyses is the inherent limitation of large, centralized datasets: the lack of specific perioperative outcomes (e.g., blood transfusions, airleaks, pulmonary complications), the lack of relevant clinical correlates, and the quality and heterogeneity of the data. Based on this, analysis of the STS database (which also excludes general surgeons performing thoracic operations) appeared prudent given the extensive collection of outcome variables (36,42). STS data was pooled between 2009 to 2013 and identified 1,220 RATS and 12,378 VATS cases (36). Operative duration was longer for RATS but perioperative variables, complications, and 30-day mortality were similar between the two groups. Similarly, systematic reviews and meta-analyses saw, on average, longer OR time in RATS but no differences in estimated blood loss, airleaks, chest tube duration, or LOS (34,40,41,48).
Table 2
Authors | Type of studies | Source of data | Study period | Cohorts | Findings |
Kent et al. (32) | Retrospective | Multi-institution | 2013–2019 | 1,156 Open | -Less overall postoperative complications between OL vs. RATS/VATS |
2,714 VATS | -Similar overall postoperative complications in RATS vs. VATS | ||||
2,391 RATS | -Shorter LOS | ||||
-Lower transfusion rates | |||||
Adams et al. (23) | Retrospective | Multi-institution compared to STS cohort | 2010–2012 (compared to STS 2009–2010) | 5,913 Open (STS) | -3.3% conversion from RATS-to-open |
4,612 VATS (STS) | -RATS had lower blood transfusion rate (0.9% vs. 7.8%, P=0.002) | ||||
120 RATS | -Lower chest tube duration (3.2 vs. 4.8 days, P<0.001) | ||||
-Shorter LOS (4.7 vs. 7.3 days, P<0.001) | |||||
Yang et al. (33) | Retrospective | Single institution | 2002–2012 | 157 Open | -No differences in LOS for RATS and VATS |
141 VATS | -No difference in 5-year OS for RATS vs. VATS | ||||
172 RATS | -RATS have more LN stations sampled (5 vs. 3, P<0.001) | ||||
-RATS have better 5-year DFS than VATS (P=0.047) | |||||
Nelson et al. (24) | Retrospective | Single institution | 2011–2017 | 424 Open | -RATS had longer OR times, less blood loss, and more nodes collected (P<0.02) |
301 VATS | -No differences in morbidity, LOS, or mortality between RATS and VATS | ||||
106 RATS | -No differences in nodal upstaging between RATS and VATS | ||||
-Unadjusted cost was higher for RATS vs. VATS | |||||
-No difference in adjusted cost (multiple variables) in RATS vs. VATS | |||||
Agzarian et al. (34) | Systematic review | Not applicable | Not applicable | 20 studies | -Longer operative time in RATS |
-Similar conversion rates between RATS vs. VATS | |||||
-Similar LOS | |||||
-Similar nodal upstaging | |||||
-Similar OS | |||||
-High costs in RATS | |||||
Tchouta et al. (35) | Retrospective database analysis | National Inpatient Sample Database | 2008–2013 | 8,253 RATS | High-volume centers associated with |
-Shorter mean LOS (5.8 vs. 6.5 days, P=0.001) | |||||
-Decreased mortality rate (0.5% vs. 1.9%, P<0.001) | |||||
-More complications (28.1% vs. 27.3%, P=0.025) | |||||
Paul et al. (29) | Retrospective | Nationwide Inpatient Sample | 2008–2011 | 3,795 VATS | -RATS had higher rates of complications (50.1% vs. 45.2%, P<0.05) |
2,498 RATS | -RATS had more iatrogenic bleeding complications [adjusted odds ratio 2.64 (1.58–4.43)] | ||||
-RATS had higher costs ($22,582 vs. $17,874, P<0.05) | |||||
Louie et al. (36) | Retrospective | STS GTSD | 2009–2013 | 12,378 VATS | -RATS had longer OR time (186 vs. 173 minutes, P<0.001) |
1,220 RATS | -No differences in postoperative complications, 30-day mortality, or LOS | ||||
-Higher proportion of RATS cases had LOS <4 days (48% vs. 39%, P<0.001) | |||||
-No differences in nodal upstaging | |||||
Servais et al. (37) | Retrospective | STS GTSD | 2015–2013 | 19,547 VATS | -VATS conversion was 11.0% vs. RATS conversion of 6.0% (emergently and more fore vascular injury) (P<0.001) |
8,148 RATS | -No difference in mortality from VATS conversions (2.2%) vs. RATS conversion (3.1%) (P=0.24) | ||||
-Converted RATS cases had higher rate of intraoperative blood transfusions (odds ratio 1.68, P=0.024) | |||||
-Conversions associated with increased major complications, blood transfusions (intraoperative and postoperative), and mortality (compared to non-converted cases) (P<0.001) | |||||
-Lower volume centers had increased rate of conversions for RATS and VATS (P<0.001) | |||||
Kent et al. (27) | Retrospective | State Inpatient Database | 2008–2010 | 20,238 Open | -Shorter LOS compared to VATS (5.9 vs. 6.3 days, P=0.045) |
12,427 VATS | -No significant differences in mortality or overall complications | ||||
430 RATS | -RATS case volumes increased from 0.2% in 2008 to 3.4% in 2010 | ||||
Swanson et al. (38) | Retrospective | Premier Database | 2009–2011 | 14,837 VATS | -RATS is more expensive than VATS ($25,040.70 vs. $20,476.60, P=0.0001) |
665 RATS | -No significant difference in OR duration or LOS | ||||
Oh et al. (28) | Retrospective | Premier Database | 2011–2015 | 11,425 Open | -RATS had lower conversion rate to thoracotomy |
9,360 VATS | -RATS had lower overall postoperative complication | ||||
2,994 RATS | -RATS were more likely to be discharged home | ||||
-No significant difference in mortality or iatrogenic injuries | |||||
Reddy et al. (31) | Retrospective | Premier Health Database | 2011–2015 | 9,360 VATS | -RATS had longer OR time (247.1 vs. 222.6 minutes, P<0.0001) |
2,994 RATS | -RATS had lower conversion rate (4.8% vs. 8%, P<0.007) | ||||
-RATS had lower complication rate (33.4% vs. 39.2%, P=0.0128) | |||||
-Similar rate of transfusion and 30-day mortality | |||||
Tang et al. (39) | Retrospective | NCDB | 2010–2015 | 50,186 Open | -No differences in nodal upstaging, margin status, or 5-year OS |
7,452 RATS | -RATS examined more lymph nodes (10 vs. 8, P<0.001) | ||||
-RATS had lower 30-day (1.3% vs. 1.9%, P=0.02) and 90-day mortality (2.3% vs. 3.5%, P<0.001) | |||||
Zhang et al. (40) | Meta-analysis | Not applicable | All publications up to 2021 | 31,462 VATS | -No significant difference in OR time, complications, chest tube duration |
14,271 RATS | -No significant difference in tumor size, margin status, number of lymph node stations, or 5-year OS | ||||
-RATS had lower conversion rate, shorter LOS, less blood loss, more lymph nodes collected, and improved 5-year DFS | |||||
O’Sullivan et al. (41) | Meta-analysis | Not applicable | All studies after 2010 | 94,710 Open | -RATS had longer operative time (in minutes) [WMD 4.98 (2.61–7.36), P<0.001] |
26,964 RATS | -RATS had higher 30-day mortality compared to VATS [odds ratio 0.61 (0.45–0.83), P=0.001] | ||||
255,933 VATS | |||||
Alwatari et al. (30) | Retrospective | National Inpatient Sample | 2015–2018 | 65,375 VATS | -No difference in mortality, LOS, and conversion rates |
17,710 RATS | -RATS had higher costs (P<0.01) | ||||
-RATS had decreased risks of pneumonia (P<0.01) | |||||
-Complication rates and LOS decreased for RATS after 2018 (P<0.005) | |||||
Bailey et al. (26) | Retrospective | Nationwide Readmissions Database | 2010–2014 | 74,493 Open | -Similar readmission, LOS, and mortality between RATS and VATS |
48,185 VATS | -RATS had higher index cost ($23,870 vs. $20,279, P<0.01) | ||||
6,861 RATS | -RATS had higher incidences of pulmonary complications (35.9% vs. 31.6%, P<0.001) | ||||
-RATS had greater direct discharges to home | |||||
Kneuertz et al. (42) | Retrospective | Single institution | 2012–2017 | 312 Open | -RATS lower rate of prolonged airleaks, less atelectasis, and shortler length of stay |
287 RATS | -RATS had lower pulmonary complication rate in high-risk patients | ||||
-RATS is independently associated with decreased pulmonary complications [odds ratio 0.54 (0.34–0.85), P=0.008] | |||||
Yang et al. (22) | Retrospective | NCDB | 2010–2012 | 7,824 VATS | -No difference in nodal upstaging, 30-day mortality, and 2-year survival between RATS and VATS |
2,025 RATS | |||||
Rajaram et al. (25) | Retrospective | NCDB | 2010–2012 | 45,527 Open | -Rate of RATS significant increased from 2010 to 2012 (3.0% to 9.1%, P<0.001) |
12,990 VATS | -RATS had shorter LOS | ||||
3,689 RATS | -No difference in margin status, 30-day readmission, 30-day or 90-day mortality | ||||
Park et al. (43) | Retrospective | Multi-institution | 2002–2010 | 325 RATS | -Conversion rate: 8% |
-Overall morbidity: 25.2% | |||||
-Major complication rate: 3.7% | |||||
-5-year OS: 80% | |||||
Lee et al. (44) | Retrospective | Single institution | 2011–2012 | 34 VATS | -RATS had longer OR time (172 vs. 134 minutes, P=0.001) |
35 RATS | -Similar LOS between two groups | ||||
-Similar LN harvested | |||||
-Similar morbidity and mortality | |||||
Herrera et al. (45) | Retrospective | Multi-institution | 2011–2019 | 1,417 Open | -RATS had lower conversion rate (3.6% vs. 12.9%, P<0.0001) |
2,381 VATS | -VATS approach, induction therapy and tumor size correlated with conversion | ||||
2,968 RATS | -Conversions in RATS were commonly for vascular reasons (24.8% vs. 14%, P=0.01) | ||||
-Similar number of emergency conversions between RATS and VATS (0.5% vs. 0.7%, P=0.25) | |||||
Jin et al. (46) | Prospective randomized trial | Single institution | 2017–2020 | 163 VATS | -Similar LOS and postoperative complications |
157 RATS | -RATS had higher costs ($12,821 vs. $8,009, P<0.001) | ||||
-RATS had more LN harvested (11 vs. 10, P=0.02) and examined more LN stations (6 vs. 5, P<0.001) | |||||
Kent et al. (47) | Retrospective | Multi-institution | 2013–2019 | 1,196 Open | -Unadjusted and weighted 5-year OS was higher in Open and RATS vs. VATS |
2,661 VATS | -Multivariable Cox noted higher OS in RATS compared to VATS (hazard ratio 0.79, P=0.007) | ||||
2,789 RATS |
OL, open lobectomy; RATS, robot-assisted thoracoscopy; VATS, video-assisted thoracoscopy; LOS, length of stay; STS, Society of Thoracic Surgeon; OS, overall survival; LN, lymph node; DFS, disease-free survival; OR, operating room; GTSD, General Thoracic Surgery Database; NCDB, National Cancer Database; WMD, weighted mean difference.
In 2022, the results of a prospective, randomized clinical trial from a single institution (RVlob trial) was published confirming the findings of the retrospective studies. The trial enrolled 320 patients from 2017 to 2020 and saw no differences in perioperative complications (P=0.45) or LOS (P=0.76) (46). The following year, Kent et al. published the results of the Pulmonary Open, Robotic, and Thoracoscopic Lobectomy (PORTaL) study, a retrospective analysis of all pulmonary resections performed between 2013 and 2019 across 21 institutions by surgeons who have performed at least 50 total lobectomies (32). Findings revealed no differences in the number or type of postoperative complications between RATS and VATS including unplanned return to the OR. The most frequent complications encountered were all pulmonary-related (i.e., pneumonia, prolonged airleak, and need for bronchoscopy). RATS lobectomy was associated with shorter operative time, chest tube duration, shorter LOS, and lower amount of postoperative blood transfusions. There were no differences in in-hospital or 30-day mortality. Both these trials confirmed the noninferiority of RATS compared to VATS (32,46).
The results from both the RVlob trial and PORTaL study are attributed to the fact that study periods are the most recent out of all publications cited here. It is surmised that the learning curve for RATS lobectomy have been surmounted by all participants, and variability in surgical abilities are controlled at the time of publication. As such, the improved perioperative outcomes are expected. Similarly, meta-analyses published in 2019 noted that RATS in inferior to VATS in terms of operative duration [weighted mean difference (WMD) 4.98, P<0.001] (41). In contrast, meta-analyses published in 2022 suggested that the difference in operative time has dissipated [mean difference −0.61 (−16.86, 15.64)] (40). An additional report by Alwatari et al. analyzed outcomes as a function of time and found that thoracic complications and LOS decreased significantly after 2018 as compared to prior years (P<0.005) (30). Collectively, this suggested that as time progresses and surgeons become more comfortable with the robotic technologies (i.e., case volume related), perioperative differences between RATS and VATS become negligible, if not favorable towards RATS lobectomy.
The strongest risk factors for adverse outcomes in both robotic and thoracoscopic resections include age (greater than 75 years old for RATS and older than 80 years for VATS) (42,49). Modifiable risk factor includes current tobacco use. Comorbid conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and peripheral vascular diseases, forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1), and diffusing capacity of the lungs for carbon monoxide (DLCO) were all independent predictors of outcomes in robotic lobectomies in univariate analysis. However, on multivariate analysis, the aforementioned factors are no longer significant. Kneuertz et al. noted that RATS is an independent predictor of postoperative outcomes [hazard ratio (HR) 0.54, P=0.008]. Consistent with previous studies analyzing VATS lobectomy, Kneuertz et al. concluded that RATS lobectomy has the greatest benefit in high-risk patients (42,50). It is noteworthy to mention that these studies compared MI lobectomy (VATS or RATS) against open lobectomy. To date, there has not been any study identifying independent predictors of postoperative outcomes between RATS and VATS.
Case conversion to thoracotomy
Conversion from a MI approach to thoracotomy occurs due to a variety of reasons and can occur electively or emergently. It should be noted that for RATS cases, there is an option to convert to VATS rather than to thoracotomy. These instances occur rarely and thus will not be discussed (37). Etiologies for VATS conversions ranged from calcified lymphadenopathy (40.6%), vascular injury (29%), extensive tumor involvement (15.9%), incomplete fissures (4%), and inability to tolerate prolonged one-lung ventilation (2.2%). Similarly, RATS conversions occurred for the same reasons although iatrogenic intraoperative vascular injuries is the predominant reason in these cases (odds ratio 2.64, P<0.05) (37,45,51). Early studies reported conversion rates from VATS to thoracotomy of 11% and from RATS to thoracotomy of 8% (18,20,21,52). Over time, these rates have declined to 6–7% and 4% for VATS and RATS respectively (19,31,53). According to an analysis of the STS database, advanced stage (stage II/III), left-sided resection, and FEV1 were associated with higher conversion rates for VATS and RATS. Interestingly, body mass index (BMI) and induction therapy are predictors for conversion in VATS but not RATS cases (37). Conversely, a recent publication by Herrera et al. looking at conversion rates in the PORTaL trial noted that neoadjuvant therapy, BMI, and tumor size were significant predictors for conversions in both RATS and VATS. Other factors were consistent with previous studies which included FEV1, congestive heart failure and COPD (presumably leading to inability to tolerate one-lung ventilation), and previous cardiac surgery (37,45). Sidedness was not a predictor although it is interesting to note that the PORTaL study cited the right upper lobe as the most common lobe in converted cases for both VATS and RATS (45). Since both the STS analysis and the PORTaL study garnered patients around the same time period, these different outcomes are attributed to surgeons’ experiences as the latter included only surgeons who performed more than 50 lobectomies in either platform.
In general, cases that required conversion are associated with increased major complications, intraoperative and postoperative transfusions, and overall mortality. However, analysis of the STS database noted that there is no significant difference in mortality between converted cases (RATS versus VATS). According to Servais et al., conversion to open thoracotomy from VATS does have a shorter overall operative time compared to conversion from RATS although this difference was not statistically significant in the PORTaL study (37,45). This time difference has previously been attributed to removing the robotic instruments, undocking the robot, and any other added logistics of converting a RATS case to an open lobectomy. Presumably, in centers with higher volumes such as those evaluated in PORTaL, the efficiency of conversions (especially emergency conversions) may be secondary to the function of a well-trained OR team rather than dependent on various technical aspects of the case. However, there are no data variables that have validated this finding.
Studies from the National Inpatient Database, Premier Database, PORTaL all noted a lower overall conversion rate in RATS versus VATS. However, the rate of emergency conversions is still higher in the RATS group (9% versus 5%, P<0.012). The rate of conversion after an event is also higher in RATS (19% versus 9.6%, P<0.012) (45). This data suggested that while the robotic platform may confer advantages in cases with difficult anatomy, vascular injuries still predominates the reasons for conversions irrespective of the ability to control the event prior to the thoracotomy. Meanwhile, VATS cases may not require a conversion after an event (9.6% in VATS versus 19% in RATS, P<0.012). It is unclear whether or not this is due to surgeon’s comfort versus extent of injury and the data is not granular enough to determine the difference. It is noteworthy to mention that most conversions in recent studies have been categorized as elective rather than emergent (28,31,32,37,45,51). This, once again, reaffirms that the fact that surgeon comfort with new technology is key in mitigating intraoperative technical issues leading to emergent conversions.
Long-term and oncologic outcomes
Long-term outcomes and oncologic efficacy are comparable between VATS and RATS across many studies, though some nuances do exist. In terms of nodal staging, RATS cases reportedly have higher number of lymph node stations examined when compared to VATS (5 versus 3, P<0.001) at Memorial Sloan Kettering (43). A study from MD Anderson corroborated these findings: both the number of lymph nodes [mediastinal (8 versus 6, P=0.017), hilar (9 versus 6, P<0.001)] and the number of nodal stations [mediastinal (3.1 versus 2.4), P<0.001), hilar (2.5 versus 1.8, P<0.001)] were higher in RATS lobectomy (24). Similarly, Ureña et al. found that RATS lobectomy had significantly higher number of mediastinal stations and mediastinal lymph nodes (P<0.001) (54). The RVlob trial reported that the number of lymph nodes (11 versus 10, P=0.02) and the number of lymph node station (6 versus 5, P<0.001) were significantly higher in the RATS group (46).
The number of both lymph nodes and lymph node station harvest in conjunction with the overall rate of pathologic nodal upstaging has been used as a surrogate to determine accurate staging and hence oncologic quality. However, the data remains heterogeneous. Previous studies have noted an improved rate of nodal upstaging with RATS while others larger retrospective analyses noted equivalent findings (12 versus 12, P=0.992) (36,46,47,55-57). Regardless of the cN0 to cN1 rates, there were no significant differences in OS. Park et al. reported a 3-year OS of 43% for stage IIIA and 5-year OS of 80% for stage I NSCLC which is comparable to previous VATS report (19). Similarly, a meta-analysis by Zhang et al. noted no difference in R0 resection, tumor size, lymph node station, lymph node harvest, 5-year OS, or recurrence rate between the two techniques (40). Interestingly, data from the PORTaL study suggested that there is an OS advantage to RATS lobectomy compared to VATS (HR 0.79, P<0.007) despite equivalent nodal upstaging (47). It is important to note that all studies found that thoracotomy has the highest rate of nodal upstaging when compared to the MI approach yet the open approach has been shown to have worse OS. At this point, the true impact of nodal harvest and upstaging on OS is likely multifactorial and remains unclear.
Impact of volume on surgical resection
The impact of volume on perioperative outcomes has been a topic of debate for various operations. In terms of lobectomy, higher case volume has been shown to be associated with decreased conversion rate, LOS, and mortality rate. Multivariate analysis of the National Inpatient Sample database noted that hospital volume was an independent prognostic factor for mortality (odds ratio 0.134, P<0.001) and LOS [0.2 days; standard error (SE) 0.05, P<0.001]. There were no difference in complication rates (29,30). There is little data in terms of direct comparison between a high-performing RATS versus VATS institution. However, it can be extrapolated from the PORTaL study that in high-volume centers where surgeons have performed at least 50 lobectomies regardless of approaches, RATS cases have better perioperative outcomes and survival than VATS (47).
The salient point of discussion in terms of volume is whether or not there is a defined number of cases to reach proficiency regardless of the previous operative experience of the surgeon. Previous studies by various groups have concluded a learning curve at approximately 20 cases for RATS (52,58,59). Meanwhile, literature has quoted a case volume of approximately 100 cases for VATS (60). The large differences in the number of cases required for proficiency may be due to the fact that robotic surgeons have likely learned MI techniques (i.e., VATS) before transitioning to a new platform (61,62). Conversely, transitioning from open to VATS required learning a different skill set. In addition, VATS operations also required skilled operators of the camera (60). Meanwhile, the camera and the stapler are both under the control of the surgeon for RATS cases. To analyze whether previous experiences impact the transition and ultimately the number of cases to achieve proficiency, Feczko et al. analyzed the STS General Thoracic Surgery Database (GTSD) and separated the surgeons into three cohorts: open-to-robotic, VATS-to-robotic, and de novo surgeons whose first lobectomies were performed robotically. The authors found that VATS-to-robotic surgeons reached proficiency faster than open-to-robotic surgeons. Interestingly, de novo surgeons (those whose first cases were RATS as recorded by the STS database), reached proficiency the fastest. Regardless, the number of cases to reach proficiency was 20 lobectomies (58). The lower number of cases required for proficiency may lead to faster and wider adoption of RATS than VATS.
Cost analysis
The emergence of new technologies inevitably leads to discussion of costs. Beyond the initial investment in the robotic console, purchasing proprietary robotic instrument contributes to additional costs for RATS that is not seen with VATS or open lobectomy. The advantages of MI resection include decreased LOS, complications, readmissions, and decreased ICU stay which translates to cost-savings compared to open procedures (7,63). However, cost comparisons between two MI techniques will largely depend on the instrumentations and OR time since the perioperative outcomes are similar. Uniformly, analyses have concluded that RATS lobectomy have a higher cost than VATS (26,29,64-68). Bailey et al. reported an index cost of $23,870 per case for RATS versus $20,279 per case for VATS based on the Nationwide Readmissions Database (26). According to the analysis of the Premier Database, the average total hospital costs for RATS versus VATS were $25,040.70 versus $20,476.60 (P<0.0001) (38). Breakdown of costs including OR and total hospital costs were uniformly higher in the robotic group (P<0.05). Most notably, the OR supply cost difference is the highest amongst all of the direct fixed and variable costs ($5,757 versus $2,804, P<0.0001). Despite the modest increase in cost, RATS lobectomy is still profitable, generating $4,750 per patient, for the hospital (38).
Discussion of costs often involve market drivers that are independent of clinical factors, namely competition. To date, there are few competitors to the DaVinci platform as it is the most commonly used robotic tool in thoracic surgery. As such, the impact of potential competitors to the Intuitive Surgical DaVinci system on total hospital costs would be difficult to analyze given factors including distribution, utilization, and outcomes. Comprehensive market analysis between the Intuitive surgical platform and others (Medtronic Hugo RAS, Cambridge Medical Robotics Versius, Medrobotics Corp Flex Robotic System, Asensus Senhance ALF-X, Meerecompany Inc. Revo-I, Wego Micro Hand S) is beyond the scope of this review.
Within the confines of the current system, It is unclear at this point if the cost of RATS lobectomy will decrease despite the increase utilization of the robot independent of competition. This is attributed to the fact that the costs of instrumentations and supply will remain constant until there are incentives to reduce these prices. As the robotic platform changed and new instrumentations are required with each new iteration of the Intuitive Surgical Consoles (Si, Xi, SP), costs are unlikely to decrease to the level of VATS lobectomy. The affordability of these systems may also prevent its widespread adoption in institutions that may not have consoles for just thoracic surgery.
MI lobectomy is rapidly becoming the standard of care of early-stage NSCLC. The technology has evolved from video-assisted thoracoscopy to robot-assisted thoracoscopy. The results are clear: both surgical approaches have equivalent perioperative outcomes, comparable oncology outcomes, and in some cases, RATS confer a survival benefit with high-volume surgeons and centers. The superiority of robotic visualization and instrument articulations coupled with more segmental resection may propel robotic lobectomy to become the more prominent surgical approach for pulmonary resections in centers that can afford the increased cost. Worldwide, adoption of robotic technology may stall due to pricing and availability. The next challenge would be to integrate RATS into residency training curriculum while maintaining the trainee’s proficiency in both open and VATS techniques for the cases that require conversions.
Funding: None.
Peer Review File: Available at
Conflicts of Interest: All authors have completed the ICMJE uniform disclosure form (available at D.P.C. serves as an unpaid editorial board member of Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery from April 2022 to March 2024. L.Y.S.B. serves on advisory board of Intuitive Surgical and is a speaker with payment/honoraria of Intuitive Surgical. D.P.C. is a consultant for Astra-Zeneca, Medtronic, and Cook Medical. The other authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
Ethical Statement: The authors are accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved. All clinical procedures described in this study were performed in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional and/or national research committee(s) and with the Helsinki Declaration (as revised in 2013). Written informed consent was obtained from the patients for the publication of this article and accompanying images. A copy of the written consent is available for review by the editorial office of this journal.
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Cite this article as: Salfity HVN, Agler C, Schumacher-Beal LY, Ceppa DP. Video-assisted versus robot-assisted thoracoscopic lobectomy: style versus substance. Video-assist Thorac Surg 2024;9:28.