
Video 1 Intraoperative view of the operating field showing the visualization of the bronchoscope light inside the lingular bronchus by transillumination after bronchoscopic identification during a video thoracoscopic lingulectomy.
Video 2 Intraoperative view of the operating field showing the visualization of the luminescence with near-infrared fluorescence of the left bronchial tree during a video thoracoscopic left upper lobectomy.
Video 3 Intraoperative view of the operating field showing the visualization of the luminescence with near-infrared fluorescence of the two segmental bronchi after bronchoscopic identification during a robotic right upper lobe posterior segmentectomy (S2).
Video 4 Intraoperative view of selective clamping with the endostapler of the right upper lobe posterior segmental bronchus and re-ventilation of the lung showing inflation of the anterior and apical segments during a robotic right upper lobe posterior segmentectomy (S2).
Video 5 Intraoperative view of the selective clamping of the apical trisegmental bronchus and re-ventilation of the lung showing inflation of the lingula during a video thoracoscopic trisegmentectomy.
Video 6 Intraoperative view of the isolation of the right upper lobe posterior segmental bronchus, ventilation of the lung, clamping of the bronchus with endostapler and deflation of the lung showing an inflated segment 2 during a robotic right upper lobe posterior segmentectomy (S2).
Video 7 Intraoperative bronchoscopic view of clamped segmental bronchus of the lingula showing permeability of the apical trisegmental bronchus.

Authors: María Teresa Gómez-Hernández, Clara Forcada, Cristina Rivas, Marta Fuentes, Marcelo F. Jiménez

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